Episode 27
Pivotal Moments That Change Your Life with Elaine Starling
There are pivotal moments that shape your life. Join Elaine Starling on vacation at her camp in Upstate Vermont as she shares some of the key experiences that shaped her life. Look at what these experiences have given you and how you can get even more value out of your pivotal moments by Activating Abundance with them.
About the Host, Elaine Starling:
An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals.
Elaine Starling Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.starling1/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elainestarling/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3eXgwdMYYzLicCEcB1Ddrg
TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMQ0D4sfEys&t=1s
Website: www.TheAbundanceJourney.com
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The abundance journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody Express and experience as your journey unfold
Elaine Starling:Welcome, this is Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and the host of the abundance Journey podcast and video show. Welcome. I'm so glad you could join me today I'm actually at our camp in upstate Vermont, I have so many wonderful memories of this camp. My parents brought me here when I was just a few months old. And every year, they would cart for kids and two cats for three days to get us to Upstate Vermont for the summer, because they were both college professors and they have the summer off. And I just love this area, I am so enthralled with it. And so in love with the people here, it's beautiful, and it truly shaped my life. So I wanted to share some really special memories that I have of this place with you because I want you to think a bit about some of those pivotal things that really influenced you early in your life that have stuck with you through your entire life. So I'm going to take the camera off me. And I'm going to show you around just a couple of fun things that we have here, if I can get this to work. So this is the Windstar lounge, that's what we call it because this is a seat out of a Windstar van that my dad used to have, my husband made that lovely little table for us. And people send postcards to my parents when they were alive. So they saved all these postcards, lots of great memories. And of course, my mom wanted to make sure that we grew up with some wonderful thoughts and things that would influence how we live our lives. And so she collected some different posters from her Quaker meeting. And this one says true godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavors to mend it. It's attributed to William Penn. There's a couple of other ones here that I really love. Take heed dear friends to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts, which are the leadings of God. And that's from the Quaker advices. The last one I want to share with you these still and cool in your own mind and spirit from your own thoughts. And then you will feel the principle of God that's attributed to George Box. And all of these different things are things I grew up with, when it was a rainy day, my mom encouraged us to paint on the walls, why not, there's nothing else to do. And this is an old hay barn. There's no heat other than a beautiful old wood stove, that we would keep cranking. It's amazing what you can do with recycled things, and just create incredible memories for your family. Just spectacular times that we've shared in this beautiful old camp. So I wanted to share some of these little memories with you. Because these are things that are really important that really helped shape who you are. So I wanted to take some time to go through some of the things that were pivotal for me, because my parents grew up during the Depression. And they knew how to squeeze a penny until it screamed bloody murder. So they were very, very thrifty and they had an expression that they use that I heard every single day of my life growing up. They called it the misers creed, use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without, use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. And so having that kind of thrifty mindset and repurposing mindset is very, very fundamental for me and very appealing to me. And so I want to take some time to activate abundance with you now. Because everything is abundance, every single experience that you have, is an experience of abundance when you choose to look at it that way. Choice is your superpower. So it's really great when you take the time to choose the things that serve you. So I'm going to activate abundance with you right now around these things that are pivotal in our lives that shape our lives. So first of all, celebrate in advance. There are things that shape your life. And it's amazing. There are lots of great things that contributed to who you are. So why not pay attention to the great things and celebrate the great things that celebrate in advance. The second step is to acknowledge something that's meaningful to you. Every time I get to come back to this camp, I get to revisit my childhood. In fact, my husband and I got married here at this camp by the Connecticut River in a hay field.
Elaine Starling:So there's a lot of really great memories here. And it's so wonderful to anchor those in again, every time I come. So that's something I want to acknowledge, appreciate is how it shifted my life, how it changed my life, having these opportunities to have fun with my siblings, and friends who were in the area, painting the walls on a rainy day, figuring out how to create things out of old stuff that wasn't necessary anymore. What a fun experience for a kid. And it really did help me think about my life and how I want to repurpose other things in my life, repurpose ideas, repurpose things that I've written, everything can have a multiple use. And that just increases the abundance when you can take one thing and use it in multiple ways. So the third thing, of course, is appreciate the fourth thing is activate. And I activate abundance by remembering these different experiences that I had. And really appreciating how it shifted things in my life. Like these Quaker posters that I just shared with you on the wall, they prompt a conversation with my mom, because she was really interested in Quakerism. And she chose that religion when we were kids, she felt that that was a good foundation for us. So we would have questions with mom and, and conversations about that, to understand her perspective more, and get her take on the world and how things worked. And it was just really great having these fundamental ideas to open us up and bring us together. So I activate abundance by remembering how powerful that simple step is to put great affirmations or supportive messages around my own home and in my office, that makes a big difference for me. And that's one of the ways that I can activate abundance. So the last step is celebrate again, because you're experiencing great progress. Every time you use this whole system of activating abundance, you celebrate in advance, you acknowledge something that makes a difference for you, you appreciate the difference that can make in your life. You activate it by deciding what you're going to do, or putting it on your schedule so that you don't forget to do it for me, I'm gonna put those affirmations everywhere I already do. And number five, celebrate again, because that is the process that keeps you in an abundance mindset and keeps opening you to more and more abundance in your life.